Boy, technology is getting complicated!! I have so many websites/blogs now, I don't know how to keep up!! We been working the past couple weeks getting websites up for our businesses and then there is some community for business, and then there is facebook. All these are great networking tools, but it's so time consuming! Anyways, things have been going great, though Zech and I have been really sick the last week! Today is the first day we both have felt ok. We have had some kind of eye thing going on...not an infection, but our eyes and face have been swollen. I first tried natural, or course...then went ahead and went to the doctor..we went back to natural and are doing better. My scanning device says it's sinus, so that's what I've been treating it as.
Anyways, my Grandma is visiting from Michigan (and my aunt and uncle). She's going to be staying a couple week. Joni and Rich are leaving Monday. We're all going to see my cousins in a play tomorrow, Tom is going to have Daddy day with Zech.
I got Zech's school pictures back, OMG, TOO Cute!! I'll have to see if I can get them scanned into the computer.
I have been looking at possibly getting Zech a service/therapy dog. The more I read, the more I really think it will be good for him. I'll probably just get one and have it trained or train it ourselves. I really would like Rottweiler for him. They are such great dogs!! We'll see. I'll try to post pictures soon, and now that we have are websites up, maybe I'll have more time.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago