Yesterday was so much fun!! Zech was Sponge Bob Square Pants. Megan made his costume, too cute!(Will post picture late tonight or in the morning). We went to a local church that had a trunk or treat. They had bounce houses and Zech did so good! He was actually able to do it by himself. We had taken him to a bounce house before, and he didn't have the strength to climb or the coordination to stand up, but he did great last night! Megan went with him to make sure he was okay, but he didn't need any help(except to get him out because he didn't want to leave). After that, Tom and Zech went to my mom and dad's to show them his outfit. I went with Megan to a haunted forest, we had such a good time! I didn't get home until 2:30 this morning. When I went to bed, Zech woke up and put his arms around me. I absolutely love his hugs and kisses!!! He is such a special child!!! The other day, I was reading a blog that had a picture of their child that has some physical issues, Zech rubbed the photo and said "Awwww", then put his head on my shoulder and started to cry. How amazing is that to be 4 yrs. old and have such empathy for another child!!!!! My goodness, what we should learn from him!
Well, on another note. Mom, Dad, and my nephew Tripp came over on the four-wheeler today. Zech wanted a ride, so dad, Tripp, and Zech went for a ride. I ran into the house to get the camera and stubbed my toe. It took my breath and brought tears to my eyes. I got in the house (after taking the picture) and my toe was killing me! I took my sock off and my pinky toe fell to the side. Needless to say, I was worried that something else might be broke because it hurt so bad. We went to a healthcare facility and my toe is broke. It was a complete break, but not much they can do except tape it up (which dad and Tom had already done). Still hurts extremely bad!! But, this too shall pass.
Until next time.......................
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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