Well, Saturday we ad Zech a big SpongeBob Birthday party! It turned out so good!! Zech totally understood the party was for him, and actually blew out the candle(s)!! He knows he is five years old! There were over 41 people there, friends and family. We had chips and dip, homemade fried rice and noodles with soup. My friend Jenny helped me do the food(I actually think I helped her do the food), Megan and Macey decorated, and another friend made his SpongeBob cake. He received a lot of gifts. Each time he opened one, he was so excited and then I would take it away to hand him another one, the look on his face is not describable! He would get so disappointed wanting to play with the current gift that I was taking a way.
After the party, Tom and I went to some friends house where I learned how to make Sushi. So, we were out very late that night. Sunday we brought all Zech's presents to our home, it was like a party again and he actually got to play with them all then.
Everything else has been going great. We finally have a really good insurance for Zech now (that is going to help out tremendously).
School is now providing a half hour individual speech therapy. (This happened and we haven't even had the official meeting!) I went and looked at his physical therapy room again yesterday. It is bigger than I originally thought. They had some currents pulled when I was there the first time, so it is bigger than I thought. It is still loud (next to the mechanical room) and very drab (grey and dark blue), so I am still going to address that.
Well, until next time.......Oh, I will post pics later of the party.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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