Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grandma's Here!

Well, my Grandma came in from Michigan Sunday evening. I have been with her the past few days. She is probably one of the funnest people I've ever met. We went to my uncle's house Monday night. Everybody just loved Zechariah. It was funny, Zech doesn't just take to strangers, but he had a ball!! My Uncle (Greg) is an excellent guitar player and he gave Zech his very own guitar(it was one of his sons first guitars)!! He loves it!! Zech really enjoys music, which surprises me since he has some hearing problems. I have pictures, but probably won't post any until tonight. I really have to work on this picture thing, I use the girls camera's and they end up getting to full or the batteries go dead. I will probably have to get my own. I have been trying to work on a video of our Hong Kong trip. It won't post though, I keep getting an, don't know what's going on. Until next time.....

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Ella seems to always hear music too, even though we have to yell or stomp on the floor to get her to turn to look at us. Music is a favorite thing around our house too!