Here is a brief video of Zech jumping. I turned the camera sideways so I could get his feet, not realizing it would be viewed that way. Sorry, but you can still see how adorable he is! I met the sweetest young man today. He is 27 and his name is Micheal. He has Down syndrome. He immediately stuck out his hand and introduced himself, explaining he was "new"(he just moved here from Florida). He came in the store with a lady who recently moved here and has been coming in the store quite a bit, she knew Zech. She told Micheal that my son had ds and he said "me too, I'm gifted". It was so precious!! I thought was a great thing to say! Yesterday Zech and I went to TTU(Local college) and I spoke in a class about raising a child with special needs. I told them we had adapted to Zech's special needs and he has adapted to ours. I really tried to make sure everyone knew that we all have special needs and Zech is no different (or harder) to raise than Megan and Macey were.......are(ha!ha!) Hope you enjoy the video!
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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