Well, everything has been extemely hectic lately. Everything is well now, though in the last three weeks we've been to the ER twice, plus doctor appointments, plus life! Zech is well though. He seems so healthy to have all these issues (all to do with his digestive system and urinary system). Zech is starting to say complete sentences. A lot is not "clear" to most, but mommy understands! We're still learning sign language, I really think that helps.
Halloween was fun. Zech was a LEGO part of the time, then he was a cowboy. Once he realized that running to people's door, hollering "Trick or Treat", and smiling got him food, he was ALL about it!
Macey is still going to school, working, and planning her wedding. Things are going well there....she's such a determined person!
Megan is working ALL the time! She's got quite a few parties and concerts after hours, so she's working quite a bit. She has fun though! She's hangs in there quite well and never complains!
Tom, well he's working too and then plays music when he's home. He's also doing great!
So, most the time it's just me and Zech......we have a lot of fun together! Wow, what would I do without him?! Such a blessing!!
Until next time......
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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