Friday night, 11:27 pm. Finally he's sleeping, hopefully for more than 20 minutes. Both surgeries went well yesterday. Today was day one of seven with no food or water (he's getting sugar water and b12 in his IV). Zech was in recovery for about 5 hrs., they had trouble getting his heart rate and O2 levels stable. Oxygen still keeps dropping, so he is on oxygen...just laying on the bed beside him. He's a little...okay a lot...grumpy. I really don't think he's in major pain, I think its being tired and not being able to drink water. He LOVES his water! He'll handle not eating better than not drinking. Anyways, we'll be here the 7 days, then not sure how long after they start feeding him. Probably another 3. We will then go to RMH and stay to see how he does, and finally our last (prayfully) appointment will be on the 18th.
So much going on! The day we admitted Zech here, my dad was put in the hospital in TN. He's home now and doing better. My Aunt is in Texas getting some treatments for cancer (I hate that word!)
Tom is here with me until Sunday, its been nice to be able to have a couple breaks, not to mention having him here when I had my emotional breakdown yesterday!
Well, I will update as much as possible, I guess I'm going to try to get some sleep while Zech is.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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