Zechariah did great during his surgery!!! The doctor said he should hear a lot better. He had a very thick fluid behind his eardrums and his adenoids were very inflammed. They did not do the ABR test. Insurance would not pay for it in a surgical environment, it has to be done in the hearing center (sedated). I offered to pay cash, but they said that is illegal?! So annoying. I hate having to have Zech sedated once, let alone twice. But, as many points as I threw out, I did not "win". However, after the surgery, the doctor said the ABR test would not have been accurate because of the suction that the tubes cause right after being put in. So, after 3 weeks, I will take him back and we will schedule the test, if needed. He may show that he can hear fine by then. He is already showing an improvement in hearing. I can whisper his name and he turns his head! So excited!!! I am so proud of Zech! He has been such a trooper through all this!!
Thank for all your prayers!
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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