Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hearing Test

Well, the final visit with the SW went well. We will be sending the final adoption papers off at the first of the week and will hopefully have a court date soon! The hearing test went very good. They were actually able to tell if the ear drum was moving or if there was fluid behind it. He does have fluid in both ears. Also, they had a device that they put on his head to "bypass" the fluid to check his hearing. Which, he heard in the normal range!! Yeah! What that means is we go on Nov. 17th at 1 pm to an ENT who will probably schedule to have tubes put in his ears to help drain the fluid. At the same time, they will probably do an ABR test to get a better understanding if there is permenant hearing loss and how each ear hears. I can't wait for him to be able to hear better! I think his speech will improve quite a bit after that. So, everything went great today! Another step made towards total health and to officially become a Dawson!!!

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