Friday, March 27, 2009

Wow...It's been a while!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything in so long. I can't find my cord to download pictures, I'll search high and low this weekend! Things are great! Zech seems to grow and make progress every day. He is starting to talk more, wearing his glasses every day, and learning more and more! He is still the hit of the town! Everywhere I go, people stop and comment on how cute he is! He is growing MORE attached to me! I love it, but I wonder at what point do I try to have him bond more with other people. Don't get me wrong, he loves his daddy and sisters and does well at school, but he's always making sure I'm around. I absolutely love it! That unconditional, you can do no wrong, kind of love.....NOTHING like it!

We've started planting some seeds for our garden. We started them inside to get a little jump start. I hope the weather is good enough to get the ground plowed up this weekend. Tom will have to handle that part. Megan is helping me with everything (she actually did the start up part). I think it will be a lot of work this summer, but it will be fun and great family time!

Macey is still working, going to school, and planning her wedding.....exciting times! They have set the date for June 12, 2010. Over a year away, but Macey doesn't procrastinate anything (she didn't get that from me!) She is already wanting my guest list! They have the place picked out where they are going to have it. It's really nice! It's a bed and breakfast and will be held outdoors. The gentleman that owns it is a professional landscaper and has gorgeous, antique flowers! Right now nothing is really bloomed, but it will look great in the summer months.

Everybody seems to have their own life. Lately it's just me and Zech a lot. I rarely get to see Macey. Tom I get to see about 1 1/2 days a week. Megan, well she's around more but lately seems to be busier than usual.

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