We had an exciting day. First we went to Motherś Choice(the orphanage that Zech was first with, after 1 yr. he went to a foster home). We were able to play with the kids, OMG what a blessing!! I could not help but cry! I guess itś a good thing that they make you go through a lot of paper work, or we would be coming home with more!!I can honestly say I do not think there would be a single orphan if each and every Christian walked in an orphanage just to play for a while.(Not meaning everyone should adopt, there would just be more exposure). Okay, after that we went to Cheung Chau Island and went to see some temples and ate at some restaurant, do not even know some of the things I ate (which was very little). Then, we went to the Hong Kong Park. That was fun! Seen lots of birds (over 600 kinds), plants, fish. Zech had a great time too, we are all wore out. I have been saying 40 is the new 30, and my husband said ¨ yeah, right!!¨ We have muscles hurting that we did not know we even had!! Itś hard to post pics. So, I will post more when I get home. When you see the pics, remember it is 90-98 percent humidity and super hot! We were sweating within one minute of being outside....and I thought TN was bad...no way!! Bye for now, Rhonda
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
oh Rhonda, I love this pic!! ARe these both your daughters or sisters??? Zech is just too cute!!!
Im so happy you finally HAVE HIM!
Rita from RR
I know I should be enjoying the beautiful waterfall in the background but instead I am enjoying the sight of a little orphan boy smiling at his NEW FAMILY. :)
I'd love to see photos of the other waiting children, if possible. We are hosting an exchange student from Hong Kong this coming school year.
I love following your blog!
HaHa, I 'm laughing. Hong Kong is SO humid isn't it! Enjoy your time in Hong Kong. Aren't the folks at Mother's Choice the best! We're still in touch with them. They took such great care of Reed. Have a great time.
Eileen and Reed
Congratulations, Rhonda! You all look SO happy. (Sweaty... but happy!). I couldn't be more thrilled for you!
Please give that little boy big hugs from all of his friends back home in the US! I can't wait to hear more!
Continue to have lots of fun,
Karen from HK Adopt
hoping to adopt baby For
The family picture is just GREAT. Every day just gets better and better. Sherri and Kayden check the blog at least 4 times a day..(Sherri loves Megan bag,of course.
I like Tom holding Zach with his bag/backpack on his shoulder.. a real MR. MOM...lol.
Seems everything is going even better than you had hoped.(so happy)
Kayden says she wants to call Zach to come play with her, she is going to cook him soup in her kitchen center.
We are all so excited, but it seems like you have been gone a month.
Can't wait to here your voices.
Love you all,
PS. Please post his cloths size.
It is so fun to hear how things are going.Your son is so cute and what beautiful scenery.
ARe you home?? Im dying for an update!
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