Well, we went to see Kung Fu Panda last night, Zech loved it. He was amazed with the big screen and sounds. While we were there he started feeling warm, and today he has about a 101 fever. He is sleeping right now. He has started sneezing, but that's about it. I hope his fever is just a 24 hr thing. He is such a good little boy!! The picture here is just hanging out ready for bed. The video from yesterday's post was done by me, so it's a little dark, it would only record so far so the really fun stuff was missed. I'll do better next time.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
Zech is absolutely adorable. I can see you are all enjoying each other!
Cool! Reed just went to see Kung Fu Panda too! It was his first movie. I think he enjoyed exploring the theater more than the movie itself.
Eileen and Reed, my HK kiddo
Love the photo of Zech, Dad and the wiener dog! Such happy home pictures!
Our Joel really liked Kung Fu Panda too, the guys went to see it together.
He is a real cutie patootie! Congratulations on Zech! He just looks like he has been with you guys from the start!
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