Thought I would post first thing this morning. This next week is going to be very busy, and I don't know how much time I'll have to post. I have some classes throughout this week, Zech meets with the school tomorrow morning. It's my niece's birthday today.....Happy Birthday Erica!!! Over the last couple days, it seems Zech has been saying more (hopefully it's because some of the ear wax is gone). He mostly has been singing when he says something, but that's okay, he is always music to my ears!! Yesterday he tried getting into the cabinets....literally, I got one quick pic of it. Also, I thought I would post another one of him in Daddy's big truck. I don't know who was happier that day, Zech or Daddy.

What a terrific picture of Daddy and Zech!
It's been some time since I had a chance to visit. Love the pic in the truck. My Reed likes to play McDonald's. He sits in the cupboard and opens up to take your order :) I think Zech might like that one ;)
Eileen and Reed
Zech is such a cutie-bug!
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