I made a short video of Zech for Megan. She took my Grandma home to Michigan and was missing Zech! It's from a cell phone, a little blurry, but you can still see how incredibly cute he is( okay, I am not being partial!) We've been busy, as always. Actually, I just don't know where time goes. Zech has learned to count to five(verbally and actually counts blocks). I can make out what he's saying, I'm not sure how many other people could though. I had a woman come to the CC yesterday to do an evaluation on Zech. The only thing he is behind in is communication, which I knew that. It was hard for her to tell on some things, because of the communication gap. But, his gross and fine motor skills are on target (low side) and cognition, reasoning, and socially seem to be on target. She was pretty impressed with him(who wouldn't be....ha!ha!) Okay, I know, I'm starting to sound like one of those obnoxiously proud moms. I'll try to keep it under control!
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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