Sunday, August 10, 2008

Once again!

Well, once again, Zech was the hit at church today. He had everyone laughing the way he praises during the songs. He loves it so much!! He snaps his fingers, raises his arms, dances, claps, and yes he even sings! Zech is talking a little more, that we can understand. He calls megan "Gegan", calls our dog frankie "Ankie", wow is "ow", bye bye (plain), uh oh, hello, and I'm sure there are others, just not off the top of my head. He is still very active, very loving, and absolutely very adorable!!! Zech loves music, he listens to our IPods and dances and sings to them. I have to play our adoption journey over and over. We have a video of him singing and dancing to it. It's on Macey's computer, so she will have to post it....hopefully soon. Zech pretends to talk on the phone all the time. I believe he's calling his foster mom, Mrs. Lau, who I know he loves and misses! I wish everyone could experience his smile and laughter every day, it will melt the coldest of hearts!! Macey has been busy getting ready for school, she just bought a MAC, and loves it. Megan is camping out tonight with a Karate group. Tom, well he is working as always. I feel bad that he is away during the week, but Zech is so excited when he walks through the door. We've got a busy next two weeks. Doctor appointments, school (yes, Zech is going to start school......only 3 hrs. a day.....I won't make him stay if he doesn't want to, I can always wait until next year) and I actually have a couple tests that I need to take to keep up my certification(quantum biofeedback practitioner). Well, until next time.......

1 comment:

liesel said...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute Rhonda! I just loved the video of him. I'd sure like to have a little Zech around the house. Too bad we can't adopt from Hong Kong!