Several people have blogged on "keeping it real". I have had a hard time trying to think of something to put, but have actually came up with several today.
1. I am a master wanna be organized person. I try and try to be organized, but just can't master it. I make lists, and lose them. I buy notebooks, and start writing in them, and then just stop. I have baskets, tubs, bins, etc... for things and they just end up with a bunch of junk in them. Anything flat ends up with stuff on them. Then, one day I spend going through the stuff, only to end up throwing most of it away, or moving it to another location because I don't know what to do with it. I will master it though.......someday! Mind you, my house isn't really that messy, things are neatly stacked or put somewhere out of view most the time.
2. I hate feet!!! Clean, dirty, whatever. I can't stand anyone (except my kids for some reason) to touch me with their feet! I don't want anyone touching mine, nor do I want to touch theirs! (except my kids).
3. I can not stand to pick up after adults! Dirty dishes put in the sink drive me crazy when they can be put in the dishwasher. Clothes laying on the floor or brushes, hair dryers, etc... being left on the counter drive me crazy. I am not the most domesticated person, so I do well to keep up with myself let alone other adults.
4. I love mysteries, puzzles, and problem solving. If something doesn't work right, I have to figure out why. I'm not saying I'm good at any of these, I do usually figure things out, it just might take me hours or days, but I get obsessed until I do figure it out.
5. I absolutely love my family (and God) more than anything in this world!!! I have had the best parents, grandparents, sister, brother, husband and kids than anyone could possibly imagine!!! I would rather have a family night together than do anything else! I treasure ever moment I get to spend with my family. My parents live right up the road from us, and I will have to truly say they are my best friends! To go up there and just sit and have a cup of coffee.......priceless!!! To be able to work with my daughters (also my best friends) is the best job ever (even if the pay isn't that great!) To be able to laugh, love, and hold my precious baby boy......words can't describe the feeling!!!! And last, but not least, to be able to share this with my lifetime best friend, my husband, is totally awesome!!! What a blessed life I have....thank you God!!
6. I'm a project person. I love to have something going on all the time( which there usually is). I always have a mission, a dream. I am constantly thinking of new projects, always have a new dream, or get on a soap box about something. While I think my family gets tired of these projects, they are always there to help my along with my latest dream, that's why they usually get accomplished....thanks family!!!
Well, I think that's it for now. Thanks for letting me share this.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
So you don't like a foot rub??!! I can't even imagine. :)
You sound like me, Rhonda. Except I'm not good at figuring mechanical things out.
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