Monday, September 29, 2008

Vanderbilt Appointment

Friday we took Zech to Vanderbilt, finally!! They didn't cancel his appointment this time. First they did a video swallow study because in April of this year he had been silently asperating. He is NOT asperating now, praise the Lord!! He can drink thin liquids now, though he doesn't want to. He still like me feeding him his water. I have still been thickening it, but gradually decreasing and trying to get him to drink from a straw. We met with a general surgeon and GI doctor to check his bottom. They both seem to think he has a sphincter(spelling?) and he will be able to be potty trained. He has a lot of harden stool in his intestines, so I am doing a three day cleanse to remove it, and then will be on miralax every day to regulate. This was all very exciting news to us. I hope they are right, but we will deal with whatever happens. I can't believe I have fallen so behind in posting, we have been busy morning til night. We had a huge day at the store saturday. It was Liberty Square Celebration (fall festival) and we were busy from 7am until 11pm. Tom brought Zech up there around 3pm. He had a ball! We had three different bands play at the Coffee Shop and Zech loved every minute (he did fall asleep once though for about 30 minutes). I have several pics to post, its just finding the time. I use Macey's camera and she has it most the time. I think I know what I need for Christmas. Well I hope everyone is well...God Bless!

1 comment:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

I'm so glad the aspirating has stopped! YAY!!!